*** NEW ***
Full investigation video now available
During March 2011 we decided to return to Pevensey Castle in East Sussex in the South of England.
We arrived in the early evening and it was already dark. Lorraine, Wayne and I – Helen, conducted this investigation.
Pevensey Castle is a place full of history and is well known for being a haunted location. There have been numerous sightings of several ghosts going back hundreds of years. This was my first time visiting Pevensey and I was keen to see if it was as haunted as it was reported to be.
The North Tower is where most people have reported paranormal activity so we headed straight for there. At the bottom of the tower we decided to leave a locked off camera recording and also placed the barrier alarms at the entrance.
We then headed up to the top of the tower.
The three of us started to call out while recording. We heard a few knocks and once what sounded like a groan but nothing conclusive.
We decided to split up with Wayne going off on his own to call out and record and Lorraine and I stayed at the top of the tower.
Other than feeling the presence of something nearby us, we again got nothing conclusive on camera.
After half an hour or so, Wayne re-joined us at the top of the North Tower. We were standing together, with Lorraine in the middle and I really felt like someone or something was on the other side of me. I kept turning round and checking but there was nothing there.
We then decided to go and explore the dungeons. The dungeon was knee deep in water as the weather had been bad recently. It made us realise how much the prisoners in there would have suffered – shackled up under ground when bad weather hit.
We are not sure the name of it (we have tried researching it on the internet to no avail) but there was another dungeon/cellar type space beneath the North Tower. Perhaps it was used as another dungeon or maybe it was where the stores were kept?
This dungeon type area, although flooded like the main dungeons, had far wider steps and a ledge type area half way down.
We decided to hold our final investigation there. Wayne was filming at the bottom of the steps and Lorraine and I stood on the ledge.
As we were setting up we heard two ‘plops’ into the water below. We could not see any obvious reason why this would be. The roof was intact and the stone walls seemed very intact compared to the rest of the castle.
Once the camera was rolling we called out and what seemed like in response to our calling out, we heard more ‘plops’ into the water.
We also heard what sounded like a groan and both Lorraine and I felt something touch us on the head. This was within seconds of each other and was a very eerie feeling as there was nothing there – well at least nothing that was visible to the naked eye.
We then had one last walk around the grounds and then headed off for home.
See the history and our previous investigation of Pevensey
Here we are down in what we think to be a dungeon or storage area.
The chamber is inaccessible due to being flooded but we did manage to go down as far as the bottom step.
While setting up our equipment and getting ready to take some photos there seemed to be something thrown into the water. We did not see what had been thrown or where it had come from, we just heard the sound as it hit the water.

This photo was taken while down in the dungeon or storage area just after something was thrown in to the water.
We are not sure what the white wispy lines are which we caught on camera.
If anybody has any suggestions to what this might be please let us know.
More photos of the castle